Page 2 - meitijia
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of the World,” and also “Third Pole of the Earth.” Of its many mountains, around 50 are 7,000 or more meters tall, and 11 exceed 8,000 meters. There is an average elevation on 85.1 percent of land on the plateau of 4,000 meters. In general, the plateau slopes gradually from northwest to southeast, its pastures transforming into river valleys in gradient distribution. In terms of geomorphology, the region has three main areas, namely, plateau to the north, the Yarlung Zangbo River area, and valleys to the east. The Northern Tibetan Plateau, with an average elevation of 4,500 meters, consists of eastern Ngari Prefecture and middle-west Nagqu Prefecture. Its gentle undulations include many lakes, meadowland that extends to the river banks and hillsides, and desert and semi-desert in its alpine and arid regions. The plateau is Tibet’s main pastoral area. 地理环境 西藏自治区地处中国西南边陲,总面积 120 多万平方公里,约占全国国土总面积的 1/8, 是青藏高原的主体。地理坐标为:东经 78°24'—99°06',北纬 26°52'—36°32'。北界昆 仑山、唐古拉山与新疆维吾尔自治区、青海省相邻,东隔金沙江和四川省相望,东南与云南 省山水相连;南部和西部自东向西与缅甸、印度、不丹、尼泊尔等国接壤,国境线长 4000 余千米。 西藏素有“世界屋脊”、“地球第三极”之称,是世界上海拔最高的地方。海拔 4000 米 以上的地区占全区总面积的 85.1%,有海拔 7000 米以上的高峰 50 多座,其中 8000 米以上 的 11 座。地势总体上西北高东南低,从藏北草原到藏东河谷地带呈梯度分布。按照地貌特 点,全区可分为藏北高原、雅鲁藏布江流域、藏东峡谷地带三大区域。 藏北高原主要包括阿里地区东部和那曲地区中西部,平均海拔在 4500 米以上,约占全 区面积的 2/3。高原上山势起伏和缓,广袤无垠,大小湖泊星罗棋布。河滩和山坡上生长着 大片草甸,高寒干旱处则为荒漠半荒漠地带。该区域是西藏的主要牧区。 The Yarlung Zangbo River Basin encompasses the basins of its tributaries, the
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