Page 3 - meitijia
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Lhasa River and Nianchu River. Located between the Himalayas and the Gangdise range at an average elevation of 3,500 meters, it has gentle terrain and deep soil. The river valley is Tibet’s main agricultural and pastoral area, and home to the largest proportion of its population. The river valleys of Eastern Tibet, which include areas of the Hengduan Mountains, lie along the Great Bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River through to the Jinsha River, where mountains and valleys intersperse from east to west and from south to north, through which the Nujiang, Lancang and Jinsha rivers flow. The terrain features a stunning landscape of steep mountains in the north descending to deep canyons in the south. 雅鲁藏布江流域主要包括雅鲁藏布江及其支流拉萨河、年楚河等流经的区域,位于冈底 斯和喜马拉雅两大山脉之间,平均海拔在 3500 米左右,为河谷地带,坡度平缓,土层深厚, 全区的人口和农牧区主要集中在该区域。 藏东河谷地带即横断山区,位于雅鲁藏布江大拐弯处到金沙江一带,为一系列东西走向 逐渐转为南北走向的高山深谷,其间流淌着怒江、澜沧江和金沙江。地势北高南低,呈现大 山大江相间并列,山势险峻、峡谷深隧,自然景观垂直分布的突出特点。
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